Gran Canaria in photos.

16 June 2013

Here are some of the photos I've collected over the last week on Gran Canaria.  The island is lovely!  We arrived on Thursday night, June 6th.  Most of the treasured friends in the pictures below left on Monday, Christina left on Tuesday, and Becky arrived on Wednesday. In between the beach time, tapas and sangria, I've actually still got work to do, so I apologize for the quiet blog.  I do have many thoughts brewing on my time here, living in the first world, the idea of culture shock, etc... but I'm still chewing on those words. In the meantime, please enjoy this short tour of Gran Canaria.  Love to all! Krissy

We love grass.  Squishy grass, that's mowed, and smells good, and feels good in your toes. The night we arrived in Las Palmas we all went off the ship and when we found this grass, you would think we had gone completely mad, we were so excited.

The little things you appreciate after life in Africa.

The sunset was stunning that night.


The best pizza I've ever eaten in my life. Seriously.

And an awesome person to eat aforementioned pizza with :)

Joys of the first world: Flowers!

Another beauty of a sunset over the Atlantic.

Christina enjoying her ice cream.

We celebrated this lovely treasure's birthday with tapas, wine, and blessed conversations. Each of those balloons she's hugging have blessings for her inside! It was an epic evening, to be sure.

Sangria with Missy.  Love that girl!

There are a lot of wind farms on the island. This was taken out the window of the bus on our way to Maspalomas on the south side of the island.

The Last Supper done in sand. How could I not take a picture?

We had a lovely day on the huge, long, sandy, filled with people, beach in Maspalomas. Unfortunately, clothing is somewhat optional and there were TONS of people, so I will not post any more photos from the beach. :) It was a lovely day that included a beach waiter bringing us mojitos! Becky got a bit sunburned but overall, a successful trip.

Our lunch in Maspalomas. I had a banana split and she had a tiramisu sundae thing.

The water was super clear! This was on our walk up the shore a ways, where the sand gives way to rocks.
Near the beach at Maspalomas, a big lighthouse. It was a beautiful area.

This sign is near the port in Las Palmas.

This gorgeous huge cathedral in Las Palmas.

We wandered through Old Town Las Palmas, all the streets look like this. I could totally live here.

Treasures. (This photo is out of order and should be up at the top... but I can't get it to move!)

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