The cooking post.

05 April 2020

When my mom was here in January she was (rightfully) appalled at the lack of certain things in my kitchen.  I said at one point, “Know what I need?” and she said, “Mom to come visit and actually use your kitchen”.  She wasn’t wrong in that.

It’s not that I don’t like cooking; on the contrary, I like it a lot, when I am cooking for someone else who will appreciate it.  And when I have the time and space.  The last time I cooked a lot was when I was living in Boston, I was dating someone who enjoyed what I ate and I had easy access to anything I needed at the store down the street.  Since moving here, I have been drowning in work, and the last thing I want to do after a ten hour stressful work day is come home and cook. I’ve had a lot of grilled cheese, salad, cereal, and an occasional Uber Eats delivery.

But now, those reasons have gone out the window and suddenly I find myself with time and energy and plenty of desire (even though I’m still just cooking for myself).  About two weeks ago something possessed me to buy a whole chicken in the store; I’ve never cooked a whole chicken before, but I stuck it in my slow cooker with some vegetables and seasonings and man, it was beyond delicious.  Honestly, I won’t ever buy a rotisserie chicken again.

With the carcass and some instructions from Mom, I made some really, really delicious chicken soup.

Pita chips, and hummus.  Both are so easy and so not worth the price in the grocery store.  Pita here is a little different than in West Africa, I had to roll it down thinner (the first round turned out more like croutons) but pairs perfectly with my garlic hummus. Yum!  (next I’ll try making pita myself….)

Zucchini bread, with some substitutions for things I can’t find here. Side note, zucchini in South Africa is called marrow and in England is called courgette.

Other things that didn’t warrant a photo: sloppy joes, tacos, butter chicken with halloumi instead of chicken, a second chicken, pesto pasta from my garden basil…. That’s what I can think of off hand.

Today was the best so far – I made bagels. I can’t find decent bagels here in SA and I’ve heard they’re easy, just a little time consuming.  They turned out AMAZING.  Next time I’m at the grocery store I’ll look for some sesame seeds to sprinkle on them!  I’ve been dreaming of good bagels for awhile, and am looking forward to making a breakfast sandwich with one of these beauties.

What are you making while on lockdown? What else should I try?? 

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