On flickers of hope.

13 April 2020

Well it’s day whatever of the lockdown and it’s been (not surprisingly) extended a few more weeks and overall, I'm doing really pretty alright.

The last few weeks have really been a blur; since the stress of evacuating all volunteers and the emotional toll that took, to renegotiating life in general and being forced to stay home, all with the backdrop of fear and anxiety.  The potential for massive civil unrest, martial law, rampant illness and infections overwhelming and crashing the health system, hoarding of food and supplies, and desperate people all make for a pretty bleak outlook; wondering if I was crazy to stay here (along with thousands of others who have chosen to stay) while watching the health and wellbeing of America slowly deteriorate into war zone conditions in New York and toilet paper shortages across the country.

I’ve been grieving the things we’ve lost, as humans, and the things I’ve lost, as an individual. And I’ve been trying to still lead my team while we’re all working at home, trying to be somewhat productive, trying not to lose too many hours watching Netflix, waiting for all that bad stuff to happen.

And... it hasn’t.

Here’s an article from BBC from a few days ago about the unexpected lull we’re experiencing:  BBC Story

And while I do think there is a lack of testing and I do think the numbers aren’t accurate, there’s also a flicker of hope that gradually is getting stronger; maybe, just maybe, all that bad stuff just won’t.   Maybe we’ll work from home for a few months, maybe (for sure) the economy will struggle, maybe… just maybe… the widespread chaos and despair and destruction I’ve been waiting for won’t happen.

And instead of being consumed by the paralyzing fear I’ve been living with for the last few weeks I’ve found myself feeling hope again.  I’m getting out of bed and doing productive things and cleaning and baking and I’ve started doing the daily yoga I’ve talked about doing for weeks and haven’t done.   I’ve really struggled with working and suddenly I find myself looking forward to using my brain again and navigating this season that has the potential for so much creativity and growth and learning and a much needed reset to launch us into bigger and better and stronger. 

And I’m looking forward to flying again, my travel bug is getting quite antsy; to seeing family and friends and giving out huge hugs and laughing together and feeling the joy that is exploring the world with people I love. In the meantime, I’m working hard to be grateful for the joy of today; for time and space that isn’t stress filled, for the smell of freshly baked bread, for the love of my dog and for the hope of things that are yet to come.

I made Challah for the first time and it turned out delicious. 

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