Hey friends, family, supporters, various blog stalkers...
No news yet, still hangin' out in
the gray area but choosing to squeeze out every drop of joy and blessing that I possibly can. Today I'm so very thankful for... (in no particular order)
... The mail I had waiting for me upon my return. That my mom still faithfully writes a letter every single week, and has for over five years!!
... A surprise care package!
... That I have been living in Africa, following my dreams and God's call on my life, for over five years. (5 year anniversary was July 21st!)
... Sunday morning café time with Dianna and the lovely life-giving community that is found there. I looked forward to it every single week last year, and we slipped right back into the regular routine last week. Such joy.
... Fresh milk in the dining room.
... Art and photos in frames on the wall - makes it feel so much less like a dorm room and more like a home!
... a friend's generosity in helping me frame the aforementioned art, and superglue magnets to the back of the frames, which she also so graciously gave to me.
... the shopping trip with the aforementioned friend where the aforementioned art was purchased, including the perfect pizza restaurant with delicious coke and conversation.
... using the word 'aforementioned' as many times as possible.
... Gigantic fresh peaches in the dining room.
... Celebrating Natalie's birthday with a fantastic group and great food.
... running to McDonalds, sharing a McFlurry with a friend, and running back.
... getting back into the running rhythm and loving it.
... that the new Hillsong album is awesome, and will always remind me of my trip to Sweden and singing those songs in Swedish.
... Stacia and I are in the same lifeboat! (please ignore the fact I desperately need a haircut)
... that the weather in Tenerife is consistently 80 and dry.
... goats cheese and honey on twelve grain bread.
... the 'welcome back' notes on my door
... the fact that this magnet makes me smile and remember amazing shenanigans that happened in London.
... Amazing words written by amazing friends.
... that people are pretty good natured about the fact that I totally and completely suck at birthdays (the whole card/gift/wishing them a happy birthday on the correct day part) but sorta try to make up for it in other ways.
... having the phone passed around to everyone when I surprise called the family last weekend.
... the heart and the pursuit of God of so many incredible people that I get to do community with.
... the awesome friends that agreed that this is an ideal way to pass an afternoon - see grass, will crash...
... the love that I have for the French language and the joy it brings me to speak it with friends, even through laughter at our mistakes and the silliness of the things I've written.
... speaking life and truth.
I could go on, but it's dinner time. :) Wherever you find yourself today, seek out the joy in it. xxk