On sunrises and carbs.

09 May 2020

Well hello there.

It’s been about seven weeks, I guess, since the world turned upside down and fell to pieces around us. I’ve gotten really, really good at making bagels, my English muffins are pretty good, and I’m considering trying to make baguettes tomorrow.  

Sesame bagels

We’re moving into winter, the days are getting shorter, the nights chilly, and the sunrises beautiful.  For the first five weeks of lockdown, we weren’t allowed to walk dogs or run outside; thankfully, a week ago they began to allow walking and running between the hours of 6-9am, so Jay and I have enjoyed sunrise coffee on a walk instead of on the patio.  It's a nice reminder that the sun rises every single day, time keeps moving forward, and travel bans and isolation won't be forever.  

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