I’ve been pretty down lately.
I look back on this last field
service, and I focus my eyes on individual incidences... Like every time I
walked through a fire, I see where I didn’t choose the best thing; maybe I
wasn’t kind, gracious, or patient. Maybe I said something that I shouldn’t
have or didn’t work hard enough. Maybe I missed an opportunity to speak
life because I was so focused on my own self and the fire around me. I
had some really bad leadership moments and some even worse follower
moments. Maybe I took my eyes off Jesus, or the good things around me, or
the tremendous favor and blessings that are all over the place. And I see
each one of those individual events as a failure. Sure, there were
some good ones in there too… but it’s the ones I regret that are the most prevalent
as I look back over the field that was the last ten months, so I tend to see it
all as one big failure.
But when I was running yesterday,
something shifted.
A change in perspective can change
If I can swoop out; back up far away
from each individual fire where I didn’t do as well as I could have or should
have or wished I had… If I can flap my wings, soar up in the atmosphere
and look at the whole field service instead of each individual fire, what do I
see? I see a field on fire… and me on the other side of it.
I did make it. And I am still
standing. And looking at the horizon, the future spread out before me
full of unknown adventures and joys and fires and freedom. I made it
through the field. The rubber on my shoes may be melted and my eyebrows
singed, but each one of those fires has made me stronger; both more aware of my
own strengths as well as the things I need to work on.
I might not have killed it in every
fire I faced this year. I know I hurt some people. I know I could
have handled some things better. I know I missed out on opportunities to
love and serve and shine light into dark places because of my own selfishness
or neediness or whatever other ugly thing was surfacing.
But I still made it to the other
side. And that is pretty freaking awesome. So instead of loitering
around in the darkness of regret and failure I’m going to stand up tall and
revel in the joy that is having survived, that is having friends on the journey,
that is looking back on the countless lives impacted by the blood, sweat, and
tears poured into this island and her beautiful people.
You are
strong, in my brokenness
over every step
Even in
the fire I'm alive in You
{Alive in
you by Jesus Culture - played on repeat these days}